Thursday, March 20, 2008

Slow Goin'

Well. I finished two more pages...finally. I better stop now and get the dishes done. If I don't, they will pile up too high and I will never get to them. These two are from when we all fed the stingrays at Sea World. That was crazy. You can see them swimming towards your hand, and the anticipation of their slimy nasty mouths is almost too much to take. I screamed both times I "fed" them. I'm not sure I actually kept my hand in the water long enough to say that they ate from my hand, because I would get creeped out and quickly pull my hand up. I am sure they are harmless animals, but lets face it...they are a little gross. Andy Fed the stingrays also, but I think he was more excited to feed a bystanding bird. He held (waved) the little fish in the air and the big bird flew right down and snatched it so fast. It is pretty amazing the system Sea World has. Have tourists pay us to come here. Then have them pay us to feed our animals for us. Nice thinking guys. But it's worth it for the memories:)


Joneel said...

Yah, don't know which one was worse. Holding the fish to feed to the Stingrays, or the Stingrays
themselves. ooo,aaah

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Taryn said...

Your pages are so cute-what program do you use? How fun to go to Orlando!

Mike and Tia Fam said...

I love it! I went to this aquarium here in Sandy and you can pet them, which was creepy enough, I wouldn't want to try to feed them! My little brother thought that it was a blast and Annabelle was TERRIFIED!

Elizabeth J. said...

Look at you! The scrapbook queen! Those pages are EXCELLENT! So cute!

alma and nicole smith said...

wow melissa!! we FINALLY got our computer back today...and i LOVE your pages!!! maybe i'll just copy them into jagger's scrapbook too :) hehe. now that im back in action i'll be busy scrapbooking too. and i'll email you over our pics! we had so much fun and miss you guys!!!