Thursday, April 29, 2010

he has been schooled

This was Andy walking into his last class of his Law School career. He is done with all classes, and all finals. Now the only thing that stands between him and graduation is a week long trip for us and his parents in Myrtle Beach. Not too shabby! Congrats Babe! Can't believe you are really done! You did me proud!


Joneel said...

Oooh, Andy Roo. You are done!! Good luck with everything in the future!

Larsen Family said...

im jealous! i want to go on a trip! Tyler's last final is 3 ays before graduation and bar prep starts the day after graduation! have fun!

Partyof9 said...

It took both of you guys to make this happen. You did it! :)
Enjoy the beach and some much needed relaxation!

Deb said...

I'm with you Melissa... SO PROUD OF ANDY! But you have hung in there pretty well yourself. Have fun at the beach without me! As if.

Mike and Tia Fam said...

Way to go Andy! And with the bushes in the foreground this picture looks like it was taken by a stalker. I didn't know you were such a creeper! Ha ha! No I am sure it is an image of sweet release. You guys are awesome

Unknown said...

He did me proud too!!! I am so happy he is you guys need to move out west...or just get employment, that would work too. LOVE You Smiths!!!

heather said...

YAY!! Go ANDY!!! Hope you get teh job in Juneau!