Friday, October 9, 2009

An apple a day...

I decided to take Sterling to the doctor yesterday, because he seemed inconsolable. If I was holding him, and Andy walked by, he would reach out for Andy, to then turn right back and reach out for me 30 seconds later, just trying to make himself feel better. He had been grabbing at his ears a little - but I wasn't certain that meant anything, considering he is literally going to get his two bottom teeth any second now. Luckily, we were able to get in to see the Doc. right away, and sure enough, Sterling had an ear infection... in both ears. Poor little guy. He was so miserable. I felt terrible knowing that he was in so much pain, and that he was trying so hard to figure out what he could do to stop it from hurting. Thank goodness for numbing ear drops!!! This is the first time I have had to give medicine to one of my kids (besides teething tablets, occasional tylenol, and pedialyte). I think I lucked out pretty well with Stella being 2 and still no ear infections. We do pretty well keeping the Doctors away... lets hope this is it for the sick season eh? After taking his medicine faithfully, he is now as good as gold. You would never know he was "sick" just by looking at him. Stella was such a great big sister while we were at the Doctors. Normally, she freaks out, and doesn't want anyone else to touch him but me, however, I think she was a little nervous with how sad Sterling seemed to be, and she was just hoping someone could "fix" the problem. While we waited for the Doctor to come in, Stella sang him "I am a child of God" over and over again. She is going to be a fantastic mother someday.


Unknown said...

Oh how I love those little ones. It breaks my heart that Sterling was in so much pain...I can't take it. :( I am glad he is doing better. Oh and I think Stella is starting to look more like you.

Joneel said...

Oh My, could those pictures be any sweeter? Stella is going to be such a good mom. Love that girl. And could Sterling be any cuter?
I love the picture of Andy with the both of them. (PS Andy, your hair looks so nice curly)

Partyof9 said...

Oh, I am so glad he is feeling better. Poor little guy.

Larsen Family said...

your kids are so adorable!

The Cherry Family said...

Ok, so that very top picture of Stella looks so much like Grace! Cousins!! And that one with Andy and the kids, I almost thought he was holding Cooper for a second. I kid you not, that is the first picture were I've thought our boys look a ton alike. Anyway, that is so sad that he had an ear infection. At least you found out what it was and could fix it. Savannah never had an ear infection til after she was 2 and it was like, "what is this?". luckily she hasn't had another one. I do see that Sterling is taking a bottle now.. i bet that's a little bit of a relief.

alma and nicole smith said...

oh i just cant get over stellas little goldie locks!! so precious. sorry sterling was sick. we too have never really taken our kids to the doctor...and i know if jagger has had an ear infection, we haven't noticed, b/c the kid does not feel pain. hopefully we will be just as lucky with little v. keep the pictures coming!! i can't get enough.

Anonymous said...

kids are darling ,, hope your little one gets well soon , ear aches are so painful...thats adorable that stella is a little mommy .. Isnt it funny how you and rashel Have a girl and boy each so neat ..we have got to get you two and your kids TOGATHER and gets some cute pics....soon