Sunday, August 23, 2009

More Carpinteria pics to come...


Partyof9 said...

Pure joy on your face! :D

It looks like you guys had a wonderful time. I can't wait to see more pictures.
I wish our kids were all little and not in school so we could travel all the time. waah!

alma and nicole smith said...

beach, beach, beach! i'm going to take you up on the offer to come next year :) man, i miss the beach. im excited to see more pics. such cute little mushes.

Jessica and Tim said...

Welcome back to the land of blogging. I've missed your updates. Holy crap, though. What a birthday party drama. I would have died. I'm glad to hear that you took the kids to Disneyland. We're going in November and I'm a bit concerned about how much the kids are gonna actually enjoy. What was it like?

Unknown said...

WAAAHHH! I miss you guys! I love all these all look cute. I can't wait to see the other pics you got from the trip cuz I only got like 3. love you

heather said...

Hi! Glad to see an update,.. or a few! You look great and SO dark! The kids have grown. Thats a shocking birthday story, I am sure one that you will never forget, sadly....

I got your blog message that would be SO cool if y'all ended up in Juneau. Where would Andy work? Let me know if you have questions that I can answer... It would TOTALLY rock, then all we need would be Jess to come up for a trip!

Joneel said...

I enjoyed having my whole family there at Carpinteria. Hope that will hold me for a little while.