Thursday, January 31, 2008

I got tagged.

That's right - Tagged

This Tag is about my MAN!
What is his name? Andrew Smith
How long have you been married? about 2 years and 8 months
How long did you date? 4 months (almost)
How old is he? 31 - cradle robber, for sure.
Who eats more? He does, except when it comes to coldstone. He hates it - he's crazy. And I think I may have him beat when it comes to sugar cookies too. Otherwise, I think he takes the cake.
Who said I love you first? He did; it kinda slipped once. He mentioned that saying it wasn't actually supposed to happen then so I gave him the opportunity to take it back. He didn't. The next night - after three and a half hours sitting in the car with me crying out of nervousness, I finally said it back (even though I had thought it much sooner). He was a little worried I was going to break up with him since tears were involved. Now he knows better - tears are simply a part of my day to day life.
Who is taller? Andy. He was a little over 6'2" at his dad's office last time. I am 5'5.5" Lets hope any sons of ours get his height and not mine:)
Who sings better? Well, Andy would say me. I would say me too, only because I like to think I am a good singer, or at least can be when I try - but Andy really likes to sing at church and has a surprisingly good voice.
Who is smarter? mmm... we will put it this way, I can remember outfits I or others wore from years ago, and I can be wise and logical when I am not scared, but I majored in Film and am a wedding videographer - Andy on the other hand has a degree in Buisness and is now in Law School. I am smart - but I don't like to have to be - I like to be a free spirit and just have fun, Andy likes to discuss intellectual things and knows immense amounts of trivia and random information.
Whose temper is worse? I don't know if either of us can be described as having a temper - but I have never been one to raise my voice or fly off the handle. Andy has almost never been one to do so either.
Who does the laundry? Andy does our laundry and I do Stella's laundry. I HATE laundry. It is my least favorite chore.
Who does the dishes? Mostly I do, Andy helps out sometimes too, but it is mainly my responsibility.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do. This is because it is furthest from the door where all of the big bad guys would come through. However, I might say that we both sleep on the right side because Andy seems to have an encroachment problem, but he would say I'm the one with the problem. Hmmm...
Who pays the bills? He does... but he makes sure to verbalize very clearly our financial situation so that I will not shop.
Who mows the lawn? The illegal aliens of Columbia South Carolina. They also blow leaves very loudly right outside my sleeping childs bedroom. Every Thursday.
Who cooks dinner? I do, but sometimes on weekends we cook together, or Andy cooks. But I must say I am pretty proud of myself that Andy has a meal to his liking cooked for him every school day. This is quite the accomplishment for me. Cooking for Andy isn't the easiest thing to do, especially when I would be fine with some microwave popcorn for dinner, and he is a self proclaimed food snob.
Who drives when you are together? He does. That is my time to day-dream and enjoy life.
Who is more stubborn? I'm not really too stubborn, but Andy...well I think he is more stubborn. He disagrees, according to him I am more stubborn. Guess it's a draw.
Who is the first to admit when wrong? Andy. He is pretty good about that.
Whose parents do you see the most? I think we go see his Family more than we go see mine, but my family comes to visit more than his.
Who proposed? Andy proposed, and right before he did I was thinking...that would be cool if he proposed right now, and then I was like - Oh Melissa stop getting your hopes up for nothing. I guess we were actually on the same page. He was so nervous that he was shaking so much I kept asking if he was ok or if he was cold. He asked me if I wanted to change anything about our relationship (hoping I would say that I wanted to become engaged apparently) and I said no - thinking he meant did I think there was anything wrong with it - and then I thought he was going to break up with me because he was talking like this. Iguess what goes around comes around.
Who has more friends? Umm, I talk to my friends from high school more, but he has some pretty close friends from college. However neither of us are really great at keeping in touch with old friends. And he is the one socializing with other law students all day while I hang out with Stella (7 mos.) and Jeremia (8 yrs.)
Who has more siblings? Andy is 6th of 8 and I am 3rd of 5.
Who wears the pants in the family? Not me. Stella and Andy may tie on this one.

Rashel, tag you're it.


Deb said...

That was an enjoyable read. Melissa, you write in an incredibly engaging mannner. For the record,I'd say Andy is more stubborn. Love the new layout.

Joneel said...

I agree with you Deb. Even though
I probably know most of what she had written, it had me very drawn
right in, like I was discoveing something new about my daughter. You are such a cutie Melissa.

Joneel said...

dog gone it. I should proof read my comments before I post them. Aaarrrggghhh

Andy and Melissa said...

For the record, I just think I'm "principled" :)


alma and nicole smith said...

i liked that! its funny how similar andy and alma are!! i am proud of you too for cooking for a ferocious beast!..alma has been nuts lately! :) i also can remember what i work and alma at many given points in our lives...and he thinks im crazy!