Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I swear I feed this girl

Lately Stella has been putting anything that comes near her mouth, as far into it as she can. She is under the impression that she can put both her fists in her mouth at the same time. Hmmm.... makes for some pretty slobbery hands. It is rare that I can get her to keep everything out of her mouth long enough for a picture, as you can see...


Joneel said...

Oh man, this entry has got me giggling. I'm smiling and a giggling here in California. Stella, are you sucking on your hands? What a precious little "sucker"

Deb said...

Andy was telling me about little Stella trying to cram both fists into her mouth. I told him (like a know it all) that she's in the Oral Stage and it's to be expected. The pics are so cute though... especially her "flasher" pics where she's apparently trying to suck her dress. What a funny little girl!

Michelle said...

Oh how I miss that little angel...she is so beautiful! Tell her Aunt Michelle loves her...