Thursday, March 25, 2010

Adrenaline Junkie...

Stella didn't stop for a second today while at the playground. It was down the slide, run to the stairs, or the curvy ladder, or some other way to make it back to the top, to go down the slide again. Over and over and over again. She just may be a little adrenaline junkie!


Jaime said...

This such a catalog picture! You're so good!!... seriously. And to have such stinkin cute subjects makes it all the more better. :)

Partyof9 said...

It was the perfect day to be at the park!
(Emmy has that darling shirt too. I love it!)

Unknown said...

She looks like a model! LOVE IT, LOVE HER. I wish I could be there to play.

Kelly said...

she is so beautiful. That is an awesome picture.

alma and nicole smith said...

She's awesome. It looks like she's about to take a handoff.


Joneel said...

Adrenaline junkie! Hopefully the fact that she's a girl, it might save you from a little stress. (HOPEFULLY!!) But you have a little silver that is coming right behind. AND, of course, your photography skills are fantabulous.
And the subject is a sweet heart.