Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Silver is 9 months... has been now for a while... thought I'd better post about it.

Sterling is growing up. He now has quite the little temper. He is a true boy. He loves to explore.

His head circumference and height are in the 90th percentile, and his weight is in the 40th.

Silver doesn't quite "crawl" yet, but he rolls around a bunch, and does this little manuver where he "crawls with his legs on his toes, and uses his shoulder (with his head cocked to one side) instead of his arms. Pretty soon he will be crawling all over - but until then, there will be rug burns on his neck.

He loves his Sister so so much... she can always make him laugh, stop crying, (or start crying) and keep him entertained on car rides. He is a bit of a mamma's boy, so I feel lucky for that, but he mostly likes it when all of the family is together... in the same room. If anyone even simply walks down the hall, he can burst into tears on the spot. His eating is sporadic. He is enjoying getting to eat some "solid" food now, but enjoys exploring a little more - so often times his meals are only snacks, and I spend a lot of my time trying to force food down him. (I'm guessing this will change in about 12 years).

Peek-a-boo is his favorite right now. He loves to pull things over his face, and when you ask where Sterling has gone, he will belly laugh.

He has slept through the night a total of 6 times since he was born... he is finally out of our room, but now Stella is in our room, because she can't sleep with him and all of his screaming. We are hoping (and praying) he will soon see the light and realize that sleep really is a good thing. Even his naps are tragically short. He will get though it... soon too... at least thats what I keep saying, so I don't have a major meltdown.

Sterling loves to "talk". He can roll his tongue all the way around, and spends a bunch of time experimenting with all of the different sounds he can make. He now has 3 teeth in his little mouth. Two on bottom and his right one up top. (the fourth is right there... should be here soon)

He is so adorable, and we get a lot of... he looks just like daddy.

Can't wait to see what the next 9 months have to bring. If they are anything like the last, plenty of laughs, smiles, and sleepless nights? Uh oh.


The Cherry Family said...

It must be something about boys, cause Coopers sleeping habits are not ideal either. He won't sleep in his bed and we're both so busy and tired that we don't want to let him cry and keep us up all night, so where does he end up, our bed. It's really getting to me. I love that Sterling has so many teeth and it makes me hope that Cooper will get some soon. Hes got such a cute smile and it looks like his hair is growing.

Joneel said...

Oh that precious, sweet, rascally
boy. He's a fun one too. And so darn handsome. Wonder when you'll have a baby that people say "Oh, he/she looks just like you" HA

Unknown said...

Oh how I love that little man. Nuff said

Deb said...

Those pics are so cute! I love the 'serious' one where you can totally see his pointy little chin. He DOES look an awful lot like Andy... aren't you glad you married a good lookin' guy!

Deb said...

Those pics are so cute! I love the 'serious' one where you can totally see his pointy little chin. He DOES look an awful lot like Andy... aren't you glad you married a good lookin' guy!