Woo Hoo!!! Today we finally had our ultrasound, and... we will be the proud parents of a beautiful baby boy in January! Either way, we knew we would be excited. If it was a girl - we would have been so excited for Stella, to have a sister so close in age to share clothes with and crushes with. However, being that it is a boy, now we know we have one of each, and we can shop in the boy clothes section...which I have decided is really just as cute as the girl section, and have been browsing in lately very tempted to buy some of the adorable things. We can't wait to see what it is like with a little boy around. Andy says it is very hard to picture a boy because he can only picture another little Stella, and I can't wait to have a little man who will hopefully love me and think he will one day grow up to marry me (I don't know... do boys go through that stage like girls do with their dads?). I am so excited to finally know, because I really had no clue this time. With Stella, I knew she was a girl... this time, I was back and forth almost every day. His ultrasound pics (thank goodness my dr.s office has the 4d stuff) look like Andy already. Seriously, it is amazing how recessive my genes must be, but he looks so cute. Last ultrasound, 4 weeks ago, he weighed 10 ounces. Today he weighed 1 pound 7 ounces. Can't believe how fast he is growing. He was Breech... which I know can change and most likely will being that I am only almost 6 months along, but I am still gonna put some of the tricks to work for me to make sure he does rotate. Can't wait to meet HIM!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Boys are so fun to have and although you've found some good clothing things now, it usually takes a bit more patience to find the super cute stuff in the size you need. My one advice - sharpen your diaper changing speed. Boys are great aimers for wherever they shouldn't hit, and if you aren't quick enough, they'll unload at every change.I expected it at bathtime as a general rule, but Chet released the liquids every chance he could till I wizened up. We're both in the same boat with having one of each right off the bat. I'm so happy for you!
Congrats to your little family!!! What fun!!! :) I am very excited for you. I hope things continue to go well. He is going to be so handsome. I just know it!
So cool. One of each. The way to go. I can't wait to see him either. Now the picking of a boy name starts!
Hooray! You followed in our footsteps, girl then boy! We are so excited for you guys. Boys are so much fun. Usually the "Smith" boys are very laid back easy going babies. Can't wait to find out! Love ya guys.
Yay for boys! I think you described it perfectly about how the second child really would be great either a boy or a girl for different reasons.
Can't wait to hear what you name the little guy.
awwa that is soo exciting!! Now you will have to start thinking of all the cute names for him =)
And to think, just the other day I saw the CUTEST little orange Bronco's hoodie. I almost bought it for Stella, but now I'll HAVE to buy it... or maybe one for each of them. :)
I'm SO excited for you guys! Are we going to get to see pics of the ultrasound?
OH my gosh!!! A Boy!!!! How exciting. Boys are amazing. They love their mommies like no bodies business! You need to put up some of the ultrasounds!
Congrats. We are so excited for you! It will be so nice to have one of each.
Yay! I wanted you to have a little boy. I can't wait to see pictures of him! So exciting. I'm especially looking forward to seeing the videos of him and stella interacting with each other. That will be so cute!
It was so fun to see him on the ultrasound. It is amazing how he kind of looked like Andy. Will be interesting to see him in person. It was fun going shopping, eh Melissa? = )
I know I'm biased, but boys are the BEST! I'm so happy for you!
Hey Melissa!
It's April Wheeler from the ward. =)
I am SO excited for you guys and having a precious baby boy, you will love it! It's too bad we don't have a baby gap close by because they have the best boy clothes,ever! ;)
Anyways, I have a blog too. Just starting out. So many have cooler blog's then I do. lol
If you don't mind, I am going to add you to my links. Add me!
Let me know if you need anything!
See ya @ church!
We are so excited for you! It will be great for your boy to have Stella as an older sister... she can teach him how to dress well and be romantic (he'll be such a ladies' man)!
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