Monday, September 15, 2008

Stella has a special trick that she does all the time. People get the biggest kick out of it. People have even asked her to do it for their friends after they have seen it. So funny. She loves to "fly" like a cheerleader with her dad, and usually does it in the pool, but we never have the camera at the pool, so I am glad we could catch her in action in our messy apartment. Please excuse the mess part, packing has sort of taken over all 800 square feet of our tiny little abode. Enjoy this little glimpse into what Andy and Stella love to do all the time, no wonder she is such a Daddy's girl, he does so much fun stuff with her!


Joneel said...

That is the CUTEST video. I had a freakin huge smile on my face the whole way through. Andy, you have created a cheerleading MONSTER !!!
That balance should be useful somewhere in her life. Too darn cute! I wish I could show that at Julie's cheer banquet. ha h ah aha

Mike and Katie said...

ok that was adorable!! She is such a cutie!

NoNo said...

I'm speechless. So cute.