Thursday, September 4, 2008

Let the "OH SO FLATTERING" pictures begin

One thing I was not good at while pregnant with Stella was documenting "the belly".  I am trying to be better about that this time, being that I feel so much bigger this time around, and wish I had more pictures to reference from last time.  Sorry I look grumpy in this picture, I took the picture myself using the timer, and it is apparently a lot harder to smile when no one is there to yell, "say cheese".   Anyway - so here I am at 19 weeks.  I have been feeling the baby now consistently for three weeks, which is always reassuring, and it appears this child will be just as active as Stella.  The first time we heard the heartbeat, the doctor even mentioned how the baby was kicking of course, and then flipped in the middle of while we were monitoring.  At least this time around I can picture a baby inside of me.  With Stella, I could only picture a big blob, even up until I delivered, it was very hard to imagine that it was actually a baby inside of me.  This time though, I feel a kick and picture a little foot, rather than some sort of round monster, so that is nice.   


The Cherry Family said...

19 weeks? I've so lost track. Are you going to find out the sex?

Larsen Family said...

ahh you are so cute! i am huge! haha!

Joneel said...

Beautiful, as usual. Hmmm, wonder how big that baby is???? = )

Deb said...

I'm so glad to finally see The Belly! I almost broke down and called you to find out if you were really preggers. You don't look grumpy, you just don't look like you're smiling at Andy! It's nice to see you... and you look beautiful. How are you feeling these days? Hopefully you're over the "morning" sickness...

Jessica and Tim said...

Mel - you look gorgeous! Really, I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. I'm becoming Bulgie the Whale and I'm pretty sure I looked like you at 8 weeks or so. I pop out super fast. We're having a girl, so since we'll have one of each, we're not gonna find out the sex on any other kids we have. Are you finding out?

Mike and Katie said...

awwa I love have a cute belly! And you look beautiful!

The Luisi Famiy said...

So cute. You look amazing to say the least! Pregnancy suits you VERY well.

Jamie said...

You look beautiful, Melissa. Seriously, you wear it well.

Couldn't agree more about the first round of pregnancy. I knew there was a baby inside of me, but somehow it didn't seem real. Next time around I think I'll be more connected from the very beginning.

Can't wait to find out what you're having!