Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The BUZZ around here...

Just a little sneak peak of the Halloween festivities.  I'll post more later - when I'm not as busy as a bee!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Professional pictures

Whenever I say I want to get professional pictures of Stella taken, people always say... "You don't need to because you have so many cute pictures you take yourself", etc. etc.  I finally decided, however, that if I didn't have some taken, I would end up regretting it.  So, on Monday, we headed off to the mall for a little "photo shoot".  It was my hope that Stella would sleep on the way to our appointment, instead, she mostly whined and cried.  Then, when we got there, my fears came true.  Stella turned into a shy, mommy hold me - who is that freak making funny faces at me - version of herself.  She did not smile once.  I was getting very disappointed.  After about 50 minutes of this poor man trying hard to make Stella smile, we left for lunch so they could get our proofs ready.  On our way to the food court, Stella ran, and laughed, and giggled at all of the people staring at the barefoot baby in a tutu.  I kept thinking... of course she is happy now.  She was being so charming at this point, that one lady even stopped us and asked if she could take a picture with Stella.  Kinda weirded me out a little, but hey, I'd probably want a picture with her too, so we tried, but Stella ran away from her.  ( Hey hey, thats my girl... don't ever let a stranger grab you!)  While at lunch I told my mom that at least I wouldn't have a hard time making a decision, because their probably wouldn't be enough good ones to choose from.  She told me I'd probably see them and want them, and think they were great.  Well, she was right.  I love them.  They are so sweet to me, even though she was not interested in standing in the center of the backdrop, or wearing her pearls, or her tutu, or smiling, or facing the camera.  I still love the little Stella that was captured by the camera, so precious to a mother.   

Some things about Stella at 15 months.  

She has entered the "no" stage.  About 90 percent of what she says is no.

She can read the words eyes and clap, and loves watching her "your baby can read videos" still.  

She gives kisses and hugs quite a bit now - and we love it.  

She loves to pick heavy things up and try to move them.  She also loves to climb over things, or simply onto them, depending on how high they are.  

She says bye bye to everyone and everything when we leave.  

She still holds her hands behind her head in moments of fear, excitement, relaxation.  She also has started to pull on her hair that is on the sides of her head when she does this.  

She walks on her tip toes most of the time.

She asks for clips in her hair - but then ends up taking them out within a few hours.

She loves brushing her teeth.  

Still obsessed with stairs.

Loves ice these days.

Survives off of fruit and milk alone. 

Loves to wear and try on shoes.  She asks for shoes most days, and steps into anyones shoes that have been left out. 

Height :  32 inches.   91%
Weight : 21 Lbs.        24%
Head :     46 cm.        55%

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It's a...

Woo Hoo!!!  Today we finally had our ultrasound, and... we will be the proud parents of a beautiful baby boy in January!  Either way, we knew we would be excited.  If it was a girl - we would have been so excited for Stella, to have a sister so close in age to share clothes with and crushes with.  However, being that it is a boy, now we know we have one of each, and we can shop in the boy clothes section...which I have decided is really just as cute as the girl section, and have been browsing in lately very tempted to buy some of the adorable things.  We can't wait to see what it is like with a little boy around.  Andy says it is very hard to picture a boy because he can only picture another little Stella, and I can't wait to have a little man who will hopefully love me and think he will one day grow up to marry me  (I don't know... do boys go through that stage like girls do with their dads?).  I am so excited to finally know, because I really had no clue this time.  With Stella, I knew she was a girl... this time, I was back and forth almost every day.  His ultrasound pics (thank goodness my dr.s office has the 4d stuff) look like Andy already.  Seriously, it is amazing how recessive my genes must be, but he looks so cute.  Last ultrasound, 4 weeks ago, he weighed 10 ounces.  Today he weighed 1 pound 7 ounces.  Can't believe how fast he is growing.  He was Breech... which I know can change and most likely will being that I am only almost 6 months along, but I am still gonna put some of the tricks to work for me to make sure he does rotate.  Can't wait to meet HIM!